Children's lives and outcomes
In this strand we aim to explore data that helps us to better understand children’s lives, experiences and outcomes in Scotland.
Lead: Professor Morag Treanor, University of Glasgow
In keeping with Scotland’s policy ambitions to create the conditions for children to grow up loved, safe and respected in order that they realise their full potential, this strand aims to facilitate and contribute research that helps us track how well Scotland is doing in this regard and how this can be improved.
We aim to foster and contribute to collaborative partnerships that maximise the use of existing data to understand children’s lives, and to undertake research regarding the rights and wellbeing of children, including in relation to their family life, their health, education, and the economic conditions in which they grow up.
As with other forms of research, our work focuses upon the importance of respecting individual’s rights to privacy and confidentiality while also working to maximise the benefits for public good in better understanding societal conditions and policy impacts.
Comic story
Please note: this video contains no audio
Research study: Engaging with Children, Prof Morag Treanor & Dr Robert Porter
Credits: Comic illustrations by Ruby Tait