A range of resources including data hubs, guides and other useful tools and methods to help support administrative data research.
- An introduction to data linkage
- Video from ADR UK on what is administrative data?
- Data quality issues in administrative data (developed by Administrative Data Research Network - ADRN)
- Blog - A Researcher's Experiences of Administrative Data Research
- Who is ADR Scotland and their outputs from ADR Scotland.
- Further information on one of ADR Scotland's delivery partners: Research Data Scotland (RDS) and Our Partners
- Website - Early Career Researchers Using Scottish Administrative Data (eCRUSADers)
- What is research-ready data? ADR UK report, June 2022
Data Profiles and User Guides
- Data Resource Profile: The Scottish Social Care Survey (SCS) and the Scottish Care Home Census (SCHC)
- Data Resource Profile: The Scottish National Prescribing Information System
- Dataset Description: Postal delivery of illegal consignments into Scotland, National Crime Agency
- User Guide: Looked after children in Scotland - longitudinal data user guide
- CURL Guide - A guide to CHI-UPRN Residential Linkage
GitHub and Coding
- Synthpop package for R
- GitHub - Health and Social Care in Scotland, Public Health Scotland methods
- Integrating Git and GitHub into your daily work with R - Happy Git
- GitHub - Urban Big Data Centre
- Teaching 'R' online
Information Governance
- Blog - The Whys and Hows of Applying to PBPP (HSC-PBPP Application)
- Royal Society report - The UK data governance landscape
- Legal issues for ADRN users
- Ensuring the confidentiality of statistical outputs from ADRN
Public Engagement
- ADR UK Public Engagement Strategy
- DARE UK - Building a trustworthy national data research infrastructure: A UK-wide public dialogue - Report with recommendations
- UK Statistics Authority: Considering public views and engagement regarding the use of data for research and statistics
- ADR UK literature review on Trust, security and public interest
- Developing a public engagement strategy
- UK Statistics Authority: Considering Public Good in Research and Statistics: Ethics Guidance
- NDG for health & social care data - What do we mean by public benefit?
- ADR UK Learning Hub - supporting individuals to build confidence in using administrative data for research
- ADR Scotland - Video of panel at Evidence Week discussing Doing data better for policy and the public good
- CLOSER Learning Hub - Analysing longitudinal data module including regression analysis, multi-level + growth-curve modelling and survival analysis
- eDataShield method: paper and presentation