EVENT - Using data to realise the potential of the 'Last 1000 days'

Date & time

Friday, September 13, 2019 - 11:30


Training and Skills Room, Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, High School Yards, Edinburgh EH1 1LZ


ADR Scotland seminar with Professor Matthew Parsons from the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

This seminar with Professor Matthew Parsons of the University of Auckland is part of a series of ADR Scotland (Administrative Data Research Scotland) international seminars, run by the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research.

New Zealand is driving forward an approach to anticipatory care that draws on routinely collected data to help people to make decisions at the end of life. Data is used to indicate people who are almost certainly in their last 1,000 days of life. This is flagged-up to family physicians who can then have conversations with their patients with a view to helping them decide how they want to spend that time and how they might be supported towards their wishes.

This seminar will present findings from this work which builds on Brian Dolan’s concept of the 'last 1,00 days'. In particular, the presentation will focus on practical integration of Advanced Care Planning with interRAI (an international comprehensive assessment system) as well as pre-emptive community-based solutions as individuals progress towards the end of life.


About Professor Matthew Parsons PhD MSc BSc (Hons) RGN NZRN:

Matthew holds the position of clinical chair in gerontology, a joint appointment between Waikato District Health Board and the University of Auckland. He has worked in the faculty of Medical and Health Sciences for 20 years and has spent his career researching and implementing new health services to improve the lives of older people and people with disabilities. His particular area of interest concerns the development of new models of health funding to change health service behaviour and improve quality.

This article was published on 26 Aug 2019