ONS Safe Researcher Training course (ONS-SRT)

Researchers wishing to access any data in Scottish National Safe Havens, must have successfully completed appropriate training.

SCADR has delivered the ONS Safe Researcher Training (ONS-SRT) as an online course since March 2020. The ONS-SRT course is free of charge and covers:

  • researcher responsibilities in handling individual-level data;
  • tips for working efficiently in safe research settings and
  • practical advice for generating safe research outputs.

ONS Safe Researcher Training is recognised as providing approved information governance training by the Scottish Government Statistics Public Benefit and Privacy Panel (SPBPP) and NHS Scotland Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care (HSC-PBPP). The ONS-SRT is currently the only training course accredited by the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) under the Digital Economy Act.

The ONS Safe Researcher Training course is comprised of two parts:

  • attendance of a scheduled online ONS-SRT session
  • completion of the online ONS-SRT test 

Attendance of the online ONS-SRT course and successfully passing the online test:

How long is the ONS Safe Researcher Training (ONS-SRT) valid for?

Specific data controllers may have specific training course requirements, so please do check with your data controller or research coordinator, to confirm that this course is right for your needs.

At the time of writing:

  • HSC-PBPP and SPBPP require ONS Safe Researcher Training to be refreshed every 3 years.
  • National Records Scotland Census require ONS Safe Researcher Training to be refreshed every 5 years
  • SLS Approved Researcher Status requires ONS Safe Researcher Training to be refreshed every 3 years
  • Provisional accredited researcher status under the DEA requires ONS Safe Researcher Training to be refreshed every 3 years
  • Full accredited researcher status under the DEA requires ONS Safe Researcher Training to be refreshed every 5 years. 

Please note that the list above is not exhaustive and is determined by respective panels and data controllers.

To apply for the ONS-SRT course:

Successful completion of the ONS Safe Researcher Training (ONS-SRT) course requires individuals to attend the online training session AND pass the online test.

To book yourself on a course (you will receive the online test link after attending the course) please send an email to scadr@ed.ac.uk stating:

  • Your job title and the name of the organisation/ institution you work for
  • Your preferred ONS-SRT course date/s
  • What dataset you are looking to access (if known) and whether this is Scottish or non-Scottish data
  • Will you be accessing data through eDRIS or SLS or other provider? (If ‘yes’ please specify and quote any project reference numbers)
  • Why do you need to undertake the training?
  • How did you hear about this training?

The current (2024-2025) scheduled ONS-SRT course dates are: 

To renew your existing ONS Safe Researcher Training (ONS-SRT):

If your ONS Safe Researcher Training needs to be refreshed, you can renew your training without attending the course by reviewing the ONS-SRT course materials and taking the online test.

If you wish to renew your training, please contact scadr@ed.ac.uk with the following details:

  • Your job title and the name of the organisation/ institution you work for
  • The date you attended the course / the date your previous ONS-SRT is valid from
  • What dataset/s you will be accessing (if known) and whether this is Scottish or non-Scottish data
  • Whether you will be accessing data through eDRIS or SLS or other provider? (If ‘yes’ please specify and quote any project reference numbers)

PLEASE NOTE: if you previously completed the ONS-SRT course with a provider other than SCADR, you should contact the original ONS-SRT test centre who will be able to provide the course materials and link to the online test.

Once we have checked your details, and confirmed that your ONS Safe Researcher Training can be renewed, we will then send you a copy of the current course materials for you to review along with the link to take the ONS-SRT online tes​t.